Dinuda Resort

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Dinuda Resort

Welcome to Dinuda Resort, a small paradise at Kalpitiya peninsula in Sri Lanka.Where to start explaining about this beautiful place...A warm and peaceful, and one of the most sunny places in Sri Lanka from January to November..Yet with a pleasantly steady and cooling breeze that will make you feel comfortable and relaxed at all times.Fantastic bird life and fauna, unlike most other places.The sea with white beaches and coral reefs.Learn Kite surfing from one of the best instructors in the island now from both the Kalpitiya and Puttalam lagoon.Safaris to the Wilpattu national park - guided boat trips or by land - or both We also arrange trips to other parts of Sri Lanka, the ancient city of Anuradhapura, Sigiriya, Kandy and more..And above all, - don't forget just to relax and enjoy.

Important Notice

Check In: 1300 - 0000 Hours

Check Out: 0000 - 1200 Hours
